A Day of Swimming

There is not a lot of time left in the summer, so utilize the time that you have by going swimming. This all day adventure can be a perfect plan for you and your buddies for the weekend.

  1. Get breakfast at Frontier Pies.

Frontier Pies is conveniently located close to campus so you can grab some great breakfast before you head out for a full day. There is something for everyone to enjoy like skillets, burritos, steak and eggs, pancakes, French toast, and omelets. You will probably spend on average $8 per plate.

2. Head to Lava Hot Springs

Driving from Rexburg to Lava Hot Springs will take about 1 hr and 45 minutes, which is about 112 miles away. There are many options when you get to Lava that you can choose from. There are outdoor features that include an Olympic sized swimming pool, several diving boards, slides, and concessions stains. The indoor features includes a natural hot pool, a smaller swimming pool with a climbing wall, diving board, and lap lane, and a kiddie cove. Rates for the weekends are 2 and under- $2, 3-11- $9, 12 and up- $10.

3. Eat lunch at Silver Grille

If you are looking for a great place to eat right next to the hot springs go to Silver Grille. They offer sandwiches, burgers, meals for kids, fries, fish, and strips.

4. Swim at Lava Hot Springs

Now what you have been looking forward to all day! You will have time from lunch to sunset to get all the swimming in that you want! Make sure to wear sunscreen and enjoy your time!

5. Enjoy a Picnic Sunset Dinner

There are several grassy areas right at Lava Hot Springs that you can use for your picnic. There are lots of things that you can bring like cucumber tomato salad, any fruit salad, BLT Sandwiches, fried chicken, watermelon, salsa and chips, Avocado turkey or ham sandwiches, veggie burgers, homemade potato chips, and jam filled cookies.


Hopefully, this guide will start you on the very best weekend of the summer!

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