
The Byway is a single-lane gravel road with pullouts to be able to enjoy the scenic route. Vehicles can drive the road safely, but must have good tires. Buses, RVs, and trailers are not recommended. There are different parts included in the byway. First, the “Lemhi Back Road” in the Lemhi Valley near Tendoy. Second, the “Warm Springs Wood Road” from the valley that leads into the Beaverhead mountains to Lemhi Pass. And Thirdly is the Agency Creek Road from Lemhi Pass back to Tendoy.

The byway passes over four habitats:

  • river valley
  • sagebrush grasslands
  • mountain forests and meadows
  • high desert canyons



  • Wildflowers bloom in the spring and summer
  • Many times, in the morning and evening, you might see elk, mule, black bear, moose, coyotes, or many other species.
  • There are many places where you can take a short hike up the beautiful mountain side, or sit in a field of fresh blooming flowers.
  • Be sure to drive safe. There are major elevation changes at times, approaching 20% elevations.


  1. The entrance to the Byway is Tendoy, Idaho, which is about 19 miles south of Salmon on Idaho Highway 28.
  2. From Montana, take the exit for I-15 at Clark Canyon Reservoir south of Dillon onto the Montana Highway 324.
  3. Headed west, drive past Grant to an intersection at the Shoshone Ridge Overlook.
  4. Travel the road 3909 west 12 miles to the Lemhi Pass.
  5. Respect Private property along the road and obey posted speed signs.
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